Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor G U
1. MCCORMACK:'4; Yes.'4; First name –– Jeny, then Figueredo, F–i–g–u–e–r–e–d–o.'4; Last name Frias, F–r–i–a–s.
2. MCCORMACK:В Yes.В First name -- Jeny, then Figueredo, F-i-g-u-e-r-e-d-o.В Last name Frias, F-r-i-a-s.
3. Chanh, C-h-a-n-h, Nguyen, N-g-u-y-e-n, whose democratic exile groups claims 18 million people?
4. Chanh, C–h–a–n–h, Nguyen, N–g–u–y–e–n, whose democratic exile groups claims 18 million people?
5. What next CM, another sighting in Outer Mongolia? – Robert G, U K View all Add your comment Name: Your email address will not be publishedEmail: Town and country: Terms and conditionsYour comment: make text area biggerYou have characters left.